04 '18
Love it 0
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse nil adipiscing Donec nec eros trist ms pellentesqu no liues il Ut et congue augue Maec enas feec eros tristiq nsllla pellent Ut et…
09 '13
Love it 368
Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and often…
09 '13
Love it 179
Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and often…
07 '13
Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and often…